Dissertation Help Tips

Lit Review

by | Apr 8, 2022 | 0 comments

During our calls last week with students, one common challenge we heard was students struggling with their literature review.

What is a Lit Review?

A literature review usually begins with an indication of the topic(s) to be covered and the purposes of the review. 

The methods of the review should be briefly described. Indicate the indices and other methods used to search for applicable literature, the terms searched with each, and the years searched (usually the last ten or twenty years, plus key literature from earlier years). A review should address each topic highly applicable to the problem.

For problems that are not well researched, the literature review may also address other topics that are tangentially related and might help inform the study.

If the literature on a topic is voluminous—it is not uncommon to find more than 100 studies—you should be selective, covering the literature most applicable to the focus of your proposed research, as indicated by the research questions, hypotheses, foreshadowed problems, or conjectures.

We’ve coached numerous students through Chapters 1, 2, and 3, but we are especially good at helping you get through your literature. 

If this is the area you are stuck in, go ahead and fill out a quick application to schedule a call and also express your interest in our scholarship offer.

Last week we had a great response to our offer for scholarships.

In case you missed it, we are offering $500 scholarships to qualified students who join our 8-week boot camp and $1000 scholarships to qualified students who join our 12-week boot camp.

Be sure to take advantage of the scholarship offer while we still have the available funds!


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